How to Create a Top Blog in 2018

Everyone wants his or her blog to be one of the winners. The problem is that many people who blog do not put in the necessary effort and attention to detail it takes to make their blog one of the stars of the Internet.

If you want 2018 to be your year to dominate with your blog, set aside a chunk of time now to prepare. Understanding current blog trends is necessary to impress viewers and win repeated visits.

Here”s a list the catching trends to launch your blog to hit the heights in the new year.

Even more images

The Internet is in love with graphics. Not only are they worth a thousand words, they are a lot easier (and faster) to digest than a long article.

To prepare your blog for 2018, focus even more on images. Work on developing regular blog posts that are nothing but photos and captions for your readers to enjoy.


Image Source: Pixabay

You may want to look for a slideshow feature or similar plugin that you can embed into your site to make images easier to scroll through. In your normal posts, try to include more photos and pictures than usual. Use them frequently to break up text and tell a more visual story.

Connections to communities

The Internet is a big space, and that gives you plenty of opportunities to connect your blog to other communities. This doesn”t mean you need to change what you write about; just try to include more influences from and links to popular communities.

Pinterest and Etsy work well if you like to write about home projects and crafts. But from sports to business, there”s a group out there that you can start using for inspiration, shares, and easy posts.


The once-entertaining moving gif has been replaced by the far more flexible microvideo, with stars like Vine and Instagram video on the rise. These brief, few-second videos can be capture from your phone and handily used to give an example, show a skill, make a joke, or just show off life in motion.

They”re designed to be embedded and shared across social channels, and much like pictures, they offer immediate entertainment.

A devoted fan base

Yes, you have a devoted fan base! You just have to find them and rally them. Every good blog begins with real fans who love your work and tell their friends about your posts.

Design your work for fans, create calls to action to bring them together, and think about the reasons that people become drawn to your work. Is it the topic? Your unique style? Your flair for humor, insight, or analysis? Focus on that strength.

Data to influence choices

Ah, data. In many ways data rules the Internet, and you can use it to make your blog more successful.

Google Analytics can make your SEO more productive, and simple blog tools will help you track your shares and views to learn which sharing options work best and what stories your fans like to read.

These major-league tools are available to even the humblest blogger, and will be used ever more frequently in 2018. A good web host may also be able to provide valuable data services with minimal effort on your part.

Extra-easy shares

Speaking of shares, it”s very important that you use the latest sharing options to make it easy for fans to post your newest work for all their friends to see. The easier it is to share, the better.

One-click options with especially obvious buttons are the best choice. Social media interaction will become even more important for the health of blogs in the coming year, so invest now.

A good hook

Internet readers are becoming more picky. They like to be entertained, but there are so many blogs out there that they only have time for the best.

No matter how simple your subject matter, you need to build your fan base through high-quality interaction. Make the best jokes, tell the best story, provide the most reliable and recent information; these are at the heart of good blogging, and will remain so.


About Author
Rajan is a technology blogger. He loves to blog about blogging, business, gadgets, social media, latest tech news and windows .
