Top 5 Tips For Cloud Computing Security

Are you a decision maker at your business end who is reluctant about embracing cloud hosting administrations into your IT framework because of security reasons? Well, you are not the only one. Information security is a key concern for IT experts with regard to the cloud. Since cloud hosting offers server space for customers over the same equipment, your information can get actually ‘lost in the mist’ when you have next to no power over where your information lives. The chances of this unfortunate mishap taking place are more if your site is not in the hands of a sound cloud hosting provider.

To avert this crisis, here is what we suggest –  some key tips you can incorporate into your IT architecture’s security while migrating to the cloud.

1. Know where your information lives

How will you be able to secure your information if you don”t know where it is stored? There are no two ways about the fact that firewalls, monitoring products and cyber products can keep out viruses. And the same goes for information encryption that keeps the information more secure.

But as a business, you need to have the transparency between you and your cloud hosting provider where your information is stored. There are very few providers that will give you this clarity. In order to make sure that this happens, do keep in mind that you avail cloud hosting from a service provider who can give you dedicated equipment. This is the first step towards ensuring the security of your data.


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2. Always take a backup of your information

A standout point amongst the most ignored parts of cloud hosting security and one of the least demanding approaches to expanding the control of your information is to ensure that whatever happens, you have a backup/reinforcement of that information. This is more about anchoring your business than your real information. We have seen huge organizations like T-Mobile lose its clients information, by not having a reinforcement, abandoning them with nothing. So, ensure that your provider has a sound backup plan for you.

3. Ensure that your provider takes data center security seriously

By knowing which server and data center holds your site’s information, you can test them for all relevant safety efforts that are set up. You can check whether they are SSAE 16, SAS 70 and SOC 2 examined and also whether the providers guarantee HIPAA or PCI. Data center administrations can include a lot of advantages in addition to making your cloud applications, information, and business stronger. This includes- firewalls, antivirus, and interruption recognition products offered by the trustworthy data center and cloud hosting suppliers. So, going ahead take this into consideration if you want to secure your data on the cloud.

4. Get references from different customers

Ask your cloud hosting provider for customer references that require stringent safety efforts. Budgetary, human services, protection, or government associations are a decent begin. While references don”t ensure anything, odds are that if different organizations having similar security objectives are taking help from a provider, you might be a solid match too. Make sure to contact these references to understand what these organizations are utilizing the cloud administrations for and the means they have taken to secure their information.

5. Testing before going ahead

The best way to ensure something is secure is to test it. It isn”t a big deal for a hosting provider to procure talented programmers before testing their security arrangements. Defenselessness filtering and evaluations are similarly as critical inside the cloud as they are outside the cloud. Odds are that on the off chance that you can figure out how to get unapproved access to your information, just as any other person could. Better to know about the cracks beforehand, right?

In closing

Accomplishing adequate security confirmations in the cloud is possible. However, when you need to partner with a cloud hosting service provider, make sure that you keep these tips in mind because this can make a huge difference in your decision making. It goes without saying that this list is not exhaustive. If you have any points worth mentioning or comments that can be added, please write them below in the section provided.

Hope you have enjoyed reading this article. Happy migrating to the cloud people!


About Author
Rajan is a technology blogger. He loves to blog about blogging, business, gadgets, social media, latest tech news and windows .
