What Are the Benefits of SD-WAN Infrastructure?

SD-WAN infrastructure provides many benefits for businesses. These benefits include cost savings, scalability, and an application-assigned path.


SD-WAN is an excellent alternative to traditional MPLS-based WANs. This is just one of the top benefits of sd-wan. It is flexible and affordable and offers network optimization. Its core feature is the ability to route traffic based on the priority of applications without the need for expensive network connections. In addition, SD-WAN eliminates network congestion issues that plague traditional WANs.

SD-WAN can provide the scalability and performance that enterprises require to meet the demands of their expanding network traffic. It can also reduce costs by enabling the rapid deployment of new sites, allowing organizations to deploy new areas quickly. And, with its advanced application acceleration, it will allow enterprises to increase their network”s performance by 33 times.


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SD-WAN is an excellent choice for businesses looking to enhance their online performance, collaboration, and application capabilities. It is beneficial for companies that use cloud-based applications. It can also provide flexibility for deploying applications and supporting various working environments. In addition to scalability, SD-WAN is designed to integrate popular SaaS applications, optimize workflows, and provide responsive performance reporting.


The cost of SD-WAN infrastructure can be a significant concern for some organizations. While this network infrastructure has numerous advantages, it can also be costly. However, it can lower the workforce”s cost and is easy to manage with simple commands. With SD-WAN, you can save money on hardware costs while reducing the complexity of network management.

In addition, SD-WAN requires less maintenance than traditional networks. While some companies choose to outsource this type of network maintenance to a third party, there are many tasks that you can do yourself, which cuts the cost significantly. However, if you have a large organization with remote demands, you may want to contract with a third party to do the work.

The cost of SD-WAN infrastructure varies depending on the number of locations you have. For example, a company with multiple locations would need to purchase more sophisticated hardware and software, which would require a much more significant investment than a single site.


SD-WAN infrastructure can reduce bandwidth costs and improve business productivity by using artificial intelligence to optimize bandwidth for different applications. For example, the SD-WAN system can allocate bandwidth to the most critical traffic, like video calls. Conversely, less important traffic can be pushed to a lower-priority connection. This way, business-critical applications can receive minimal latency, and employees can get their work done more efficiently.

Another critical feature of SD-WAN solutions is their advanced security features. For example, they should have VPN and firewall functions for added protection. Additionally, they should have sandboxing capabilities to prevent cyber attacks. These features can prevent downtime, data loss, and even legal liabilities. In addition to these features, SD-WAN solutions should also support advanced security measures such as encryption and intrusion prevention systems.

Before SD-WAN solutions, network administrators had to manually backhaul traffic from data centers to the cloud using complex routing protocols.

Application-assigned path

The application-assigned path is a crucial feature of the SD-WAN infrastructure. This type of infrastructure is a great way to reduce the complexity of managing your WAN. Instead of monitoring multiple network links, you can drive the traffic and assign paths to applications according to their criticality. This makes adding new sites and performing software upgrades from a single management portal easy. In addition, it makes it easy for you to flex the bandwidth you assign to applications to meet your requirements.

The SD-WAN infrastructure reduces the number of calls to IT support staff because it eliminates the need to provision individual IP-based circuits. While providing high-speed circuits using MPLS can take as long as 90 days, SD-WAN internet circuits can be deployed in days. Further, since the entire SD-WAN infrastructure is managed by software, you can automate your maintenance logistics online.

SD-WAN also provides improved security. It helps minimize the risks associated with hacking. By setting up different segregated regions, a company can partition its assets, limiting the damage caused by a hack. It also makes it easier for disaster recovery planning.


About Author
Rajan is a technology blogger. He loves to blog about blogging, business, gadgets, social media, latest tech news and windows .
