3 Tips For Protecting Yourself When Using Social Media

While the Internet has made modern life much easier and more convenient than life was for those in previous generations, it has also brought up issues and problems that many people don’t quite know how to deal with on their own. From scams and viruses to hackers and trolls, it can be hard to know the best way to stay safe when spending time online. So to help you improve your ability to manage your time and resources online, here are three tips for protecting yourself when using social media.


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Steer Clear Of Cyberbullies

One of the biggest ways that people can feel attacked online is through cyberbullying. While you might think that this is only an issue that teenagers have to deal with, Luis Gomes, a contributor to PCWorld.com, shares that a Pew study found that 40 percent of adults who use the Internet have personally experienced some type of online harassment. And though this type of bullying generally stays online, it can escalate to actual physical threats as well, like giving threats about rape or killing. That’s why Gomes shares that the best way to avoid getting harassed online is to steer clear of any bullying behavior and not to retaliate or even address it. Simply block that person and report them if necessary.

Use Different Passwords On Different Platforms

Another way you need to protect yourself when using social media is by securing your accounts. Since you give pieces of your personal information to different social media platforms when you sign up, they have access to quite a bit of information that could be dangerous if it fell in the wrong hands. So to ensure that you’ve secured your accounts as best you can, StaySafeOnline.org recommends that you create a new password for each platform and account you own. While this might be a little challenging to remember, it will make it so much harder for someone to hack into one of your accounts and gain access to all your subsequent accounts as well.

Be Careful With What Information You Post and Share

Depending on the privacy settings that you have set for your account, you might need to be very careful with what information and pictures you share with your followers. Not only could too much information about yourself potentially lead to people stealing your identity or taking advantage of you, but it could also put you at physical risk if you share too much of your personal schedule. To combat this, Ally.com advises that you never post images that might contain sensitive information like your home address, credit card numbers, or email addresses. Additionally, if you’re going to be posting about any travel you’re doing, try to only share once you’ve already returned home so you don’t tip off thieves that you’ve left your home empty.

To help you stay safe while on social media, consider using the tips mentioned above to better secure your information and protect yourself.


About Author
Rajan is a technology blogger. He loves to blog about blogging, business, gadgets, social media, latest tech news and windows .
